A six-week journey to come home to yourself

You aren't who you think you are...

You are not broken. You are not unworthy. You are not unlovable.

How many more precious moments do you want to spend at war with your body—hating it, shaming it, criticizing it, ignoring it, numbing it, and rejecting it?

You are not meant to spend your entire life at war with your body.

It's time to remember who you are—a vibrant, wise woman waiting to unleash her authentic essence, magic, and power.

This is an invitation to the woman ready to release the outdated stories and beliefs about her body, herself, and her life.

Body Reclamation is a 6 week immersive and intimate journey designed to awaken the truth of who you are. A journey back home to yourself.

This is an embodiment experience designed to ignite a loving relationship with your body, increase confidence and aliveness, and expand your capacity for self-intimacy. Through practical tools, practices, and guidance, you will experience a deep sense of self-love

Picture this - being held and witnessed with love and presence as you peel back the layers, healing the wounds that block you from fully loving yourself. Together, we'll navigate the portal of shame, unworthiness, grief, and numbness, allowing you to meet yourself, perhaps for the first time, and finally come home to your body.

Step into a sacred space where you can soften, open up, and embody your authentic essence. It's time to shed those old identities—perfectionism, people-pleasing, the good girl—and reveal the real you.

Body Reclamation is for the woman who...

Longs to feel at home in her body.

Knows there is more to life than hating and feeling uncomfortable in her body.

Craves to experience the pulsating aliveness of her feminine essence and awaken her sensuality.

Wants to move from victim to creator of her life.

Desires to feel unshakeable confidence in her being.

Hungers to live a life that's in alignment with her soul's desire instead of the cage society has trapped her in.

Yearns to fall madly in love with herself.


“Working with Nazira was a powerful and transformative experience. She holds a very safe space and has a loving and gentle way of guiding. She is very intuitive and helped me uncover blind spots that were holding me back. After working with her, I feel more embodied and grounded. I have found a new and loving connection to my body and myself.”

— Allie M

“I couldn't have asked for a better coach. Nazira's essence is one of compassion, acceptance, and love. She fiercely held my vision for me: being a woman who stands in her worth and truth. Nazira helped me get to the root of my body image issues, and I was finally able to heal. Through our work together, I was able to feel peace and self-acceptance after years of struggling and feeling shame around my body.”

— Jennifer S

“When I started working with Nazira, I didn't know that our bodies store our past experiences and past emotional trauma. Nazira gently guided me through the inner work of healing my inner child and meeting all the parts of myself that I had disowned (I didn't know I had so many unconscious parts). I learned to reparent myself and give myself the unconditional love I was always seeking externally and wasn't getting. Through this deep healing work, I've created a relationship with my body rooted in acceptance, love, and compassion. ”

— Michelle A

It’s time to reclaim your body as a source of wisdom, power, pleasure, and aliveness!


I’m Nazira Sacasa, a Body Liberation and Embodiment Coach, and I will be your guide during the Body Reclamation journey.

If you’re here, it’s because you desire to come into a loving relationship with your body.

My guess is that you’ve spent most of your life at war with your body, trying everything to change and fix it, thinking that it would make you feel more confident and comfortable. You’ve probably tried all the diets and spent hours working out, and my guess is this has left you feeling exhausted and worse about yourself and your body.

When we spend our energy hating our body, it steals the joy, beauty, and magic of being alive.

But it doesn’t need to be this way.

I know, through my healing journey and working with women just like you, that it is possible to feel at peace with your body and experience radical self-love.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned over the past 15 years through my healing journey, professional training, and working with clients, and created Body Reclamation to support you on your journey to coming home to your body.

I’ve got you, love. It is possible to reclaim your body and life.

Loving your body is radical + revolutionary

One of the most disordered relationships we have as women is that with our body. 97% of women have at least one negative thought about their body image every single day - this is a staggering and saddening statistic.

I created the Body Reclamation program because I believe our body is meant to be our biggest teacher and the portal to the life we truly desire.

It is possible to fall completely in love with your body, yourself, and your life. Inside Body Reclamation, you will be guided to...

  • Liberate yourself from shame and self-criticism

  • Heal all wounds from your past that have contributed to your lack of confidence and negative body image

  • Push back against all the systems of control and oppression that shame women and their bodies

  • Reclaim and redefine what beauty means

  • Become fully embodied - feel safe and at home in your body

  • Experience the joys of your body: sex, intimacy, movement, dance, pleasure

  • Feel free to express yourself and take up space in the world

  • Experience immense self-trust and self-intimacy

  • Feel a connection to your body and experience a deep sense of self-love

During our Journey Together we will Explore:

  • All our past traumas and woundings are stored in the body. Even if our mind doesn't remember, our body does. This leaves us disconnected and feeling unsafe in our bodies. I will guide and support you back into your body so that you can rebuild trust, and heal and integrate past wounds.

  • Stop thinking your body is a problem to solve and instead learn to feel at home in your body. Learn to cultivate a sense of love, safety, and belonging - and radical self-acceptance. True healing and transformation does not come from a diet or workout regime, it comes from fully inhabiting your body.

  • It's time to stop avoiding, fearing, and numbing your emotions. When you feel all your emotions, you reclaim your power. Through our work together, you will gain the skills and tools to process and transmute stuck emotions, and clear emotional baggage so you can become a woman who is fully embodied in her power.

  • Learn to heal your inner child so you can rebuild a foundation of self-compassion and self-trust. Transform your childhood wounds that have impacted your relationship with your body. Release unhealthy patterns and beliefs so you can step into true freedom and joy.

  • You can't love yourself until you know yourself. During our time together, I will guide you to meet all of yourself including the parts that you've rejected, numbed, kept hidden, shamed, and made wrong (your shadow). It is only through accepting all of who you are that you can truly love yourself.

  • Become fully present and connected to the inherent pleasure of life. Release the shame you feel toward pleasure and desire so you can take up more space, experience more connection, and choose what you want in your life. Learn how to use pleasure as a gateway to healing your relationship with your body - pleasure, in the absence of shame and guilt, heals. ⁣

The Journey 

WEEK ONE - Reclaiming your Inner Mother


Wednesday, May 29th at 7:30pm EST

WEEK TWO - Reclaiming your Inner Child


Wednesday, June 5th at 7:30pm EST

WEEK THREE - Reclaiming Love, Safety, Belonging


Wednesday, June 12th at 7:30pm EST

WEEK FOUR - Reclaiming Embodiment


Wednesday, June 19th at 7:30pm EST

WEEK FIVE - Reclaiming Self Intimacy + Self Trust


Wednesday, June 26th at 7:30pm EST

WEEK SIX - Reclaiming Beauty + Sensuality


Wednesday, July 3rd at 7:30pm EST

The Body Reclamation Journey Includes:

6 Live Group Sessions with Nazira

(via Zoom - 90 minutes each)

This is where the magic happens. During the group calls, Nazira will teach on a specific topic, then she will guide you through embodiment practices, somatic healing, and soul exploration to guide you in feeling at home within your body. This is a safe and intimate space to share your experience, be seen, ask all your questions, and receive support, high-quality coaching, and guidance.

Tools + Practices

Every Friday, you will also receive home-play practices to support your integration outside of our live calls. These take-home tools and practices will be a combination of customized meditations, visualizations, breathwork, journaling prompts, self-care practices, embodiment practices, and more—these are meant to support you on your healing journey.

Private Telegram Group

You will gain access to our private Telegram sisterhood group for added support, connection, sharing, and celebrations for the duration of the program.

Lifetime Access

You will receive access to recordings within 24 hours of the live calls. You will have lifetime access to all the content and live call recordings.


Early Bird Pricing Available until May 26th - Save $100







When you reclaim your body as sacred, you move more deeply into it, and you experience your body as your home rather than a problem to fix.

It's time to take up space in the world and step into your full power by cultivating a deep connection and love for your body. This is your birthright.

When you say yes to the Body Reclamation journey, you say yes to the reclamation of your body and life.


  • Our relationship with our body is a lifelong journey. There is no place of arrival when it comes to our bodies. If we allow it, our relationship with our body can be our biggest teacher - we get to come into deeper intimacy with our bodies and ourselves.

    After 6 weeks, you will feel a greater sense of peace, acceptance, self-love, and self-compassion. You will finally feel at home in your body and you will have the tools to navigate a world that brainwashes women to hate and disconnect with their bodies. If you show up fully, do the practices, and are open to challenging your beliefs, after 6 weeks you can transform how you see, feel, and treat your body.

  • I highly encourage you to prioritize the live calls; however, if you miss any of the live sessions, you can watch the recording and still receive all the benefits. You will have lifetime access to all the recordings and practices.

  • Learning to love and accept yourself is in no way leading to you letting yourself go. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. Taking the necessary steps to learn to love and accept yourself actually means you care more about your body than you ever did before. Except now, you’re caring about the well-being of your body as opposed to controlling it. Rather than clutching to your old ways of restricting and shaming and guilt-tripping, you’ll discover what it truly means to be conscious and intuitive when it comes to your body. You will become the expert of your own body.

  • This is a group experience. A big part of healing is vulnerability - to be seen, heard, witnessed, acknowledged, and witnessed by other women - this type of support and sisterhood will change your life and be an integral part of your body healing journey. Group healing is a powerful reminder that you are not alone and that healing is possible. Private coaching is a chance to deepen the work we do during the group calls and an opportunity to dive deep into your story and the roots of your negative body image.

  • It's completely understandable to feel nervous. I haven’t met a client who wasn’t. This program is designed for women who are fed up with hating their bodies and are committed to experiencing their bodies differently. So even if you’re feeling nervous, there is also a desire to heal so I invite you to say yes to your desire.

    As your coach and guide, I know you already have everything you need to heal within you. So this program can work for you. You don’t need to change or fix anything. It is simply about removing the layers that are keeping you stuck in the cycle of body hatred and body distrust.

  • Attempting to make big changes can be difficult without support. The best way to make progress in changing the way you feel about yourself is by working with a coach to get to the root of your negative body image and utilize the tools to quiet the negative thoughts in order to make lasting change.

    It’s okay if you don’t feel ready right now. But please know that you are worthy of healing and change - change is possible for you. We all have a natural resistance to change, and you’ve already taken the first step by being here and reading this far.

    Working with a coach does not involve any pressure. We’ll take it day by day, and move at your pace. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.

    You deserve to be in your happiness now. If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll be missing out on all of the days you could have spent enjoying your life while feeling confident in your own skin.

  • Through my own healing journey and training in Positive Psychology, Sacred Feminine Practices, Spirituality, Intuitive Eating, and Empowerment Coaching, I’ve been able to transform my relationship with my body and life. Now, I help other women do the same.

    I have had so many amazing opportunities to learn from several impactful organizations and powerful teachers. I’m certified in Applied Positive Psychology, and I’m a VITA™ Women’s Empowerment Coach. I’ve also trained with the co-creator of Intuitive Eating, Eating Evelyn Tribole, Soul Medicine Academy, and Body Trust to master their BodyTrust® modality. And I’m a SheDance facilitator.

  • Putting ourselves first can be extremely difficult, especially if we’ve spent so many years at war with our self-worth. In determining whether or not this program is worth your investment, I invite you to reflect on how much you’d gain from this program. Although a coaching program can involve a significant amount of your time and financial investment, the freedom of existing in your body with no hate or shame attached is priceless.

  • We seek to provide the highest quality of support and ensure our community and students are well taken care of. That said, we offer 14-day money-back guarantee, so there's no risk on your part.

  • Our weekly live coaching calls are 2 hours. Please review the live call schedule for exact days and times.

    Practices can take between 15 minutes to 2 hours per week. The more you show up to the work and do the practices, the more you get to experience a powerful transformation.

    Creating the spaciousness for these practices will revolutionize the way you relate to your body, life, and yourself forever.